Saturday, March 21, 2009

My take on the tournament and the fate of the world.

I did not participate in any NCAA tournament pools this year. Pope Benedict the XVI decreed that we, the men of the cloth, abstain from office pools, this year. But, in what could be a transgression from church decree, I am going to give you my pick halfway through the tourn-ee. This year is just too exciting not to make comment. Now, my opinions in no way reflect the opinions of my organization, my employer, God. But, I am going with Obama.
The stage has been set. He looked like he might be on the ropes, but, I think his big pick, North Carolina, is going all the way. We have seen this before. The result could quickly divide the entire nation. There will be some that proclaim that the tourn-ee is fixed. Did you see the LSU vs. UNC game today! LSU should of known it never had a chance against the Presidents team. It was like Louisiana versus FEMA. Didn't I see Micheal Brown in the stands?
Then there will be the rest of us. Whenever Obama is questioned about the economy, or world relations, he will just point to the framed brackets posted in the oval office, and say "I think I have it covered." It will be like a second honeymoon. So, really the fate of world politics hangs on someone upsetting UNC. It's like the civil war all over again.

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